for simple effectsgeom_*_interactive
with hover, tooltip, onClick aesthetics, plot with ggiraph
.library(ggplot2); suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(ggiraph))africa.spdf <- methods::as(africa, 'Spatial')africa.spdf@data$id <- row.names(africa.spdf@data)africa.tidy <- broom::tidy(africa.spdf)africa.tidy <- dplyr::left_join(africa.tidy, africa.spdf@data, by='id')g <- ggplot(africa.tidy) + geom_polygon_interactive( color='black', aes(long, lat, group=group, fill=internet.usage.2015, tooltip=sprintf("%s<br/>%s",iso_a3,internet.usage.2015))) + ggthemes::theme_map() + colormap::scale_fill_colormap( colormap=colormap::colormaps$copper, reverse = T) + labs(title='Internet Usage in Africa in 2015', subtitle='As Percent of Population', caption='Source: World Bank Open Data.')ggiraph(code=print(g))
based wrapper for JavaScript library.
Extremely easy and yet powerful. Commercial use requires a paid version.
Plays nicely with ggplot2
library(plotly)usa <- albersusa::usa_sf("laea")usd <- crosstalk::SharedData$new(usa)p <- ggplot(usd) + geom_sf(aes(fill = pop_2010))ggplotly(p) %>% highlight( "plotly_hover", selected = attrs_selected(line = list(color = "black")))
plot## Setting the `off` event (i.e., 'plotly_doubleclick') to match the `on` event (i.e., 'plotly_hover'). You can change this default via the `highlight()` function.
Port of Python's bokeh library.
Has its own syntax.
library(maps)data(world.cities)library(rbokeh)caps <- dplyr::filter(world.cities, capital == 1)caps$population <- prettyNum(caps$pop, big.mark = ",")suppressWarnings(figure(width = 800, height = 450, padding_factor = 0) %>% ly_map("world", col = "gray") %>% ly_points(long, lat, data = caps, size = 5, hover = c(name, country.etc, population)))
download_map_data <- memoise::memoise(highcharter::download_map_data)get_data_from_map <- memoise::memoise(highcharter::get_data_from_map)hcmap <- memoise::memoise(highcharter::hcmap)mapdata <- get_data_from_map(download_map_data("countries/au/au-all"))data_fake <- mapdata %>% dplyr::select(code = `hc-a2`) %>% dplyr::mutate(value = 1e5 * abs(rt(nrow(.), df = 10)))hcmap("countries/au/au-all", data = data_fake, value = "value", joinBy = c("hc-a2", "code"), name = "Fake data", dataLabels = list(enabled = TRUE, format = '{}'), borderColor = "#FAFAFA", borderWidth = 0.1, tooltip = list(valueDecimals = 2, valuePrefix = "$", valueSuffix = " AUD")) %>% highcharter::hc_title(text="Economy Down Under")
Mother of all interactive mappings!
Extremely powerful and Extremely flexible.
Current State
: Developed and actively maintained by RStudio.
, leaflet.esri
: Developed and maintained by yours truly. Provides additional plotting options using leaflet plugins.
, mapedit
: Developed and maintained by the good guys at r-spatial. Allow interactive exploratory spatial analysis.
There is another unrelated project leafletR
CRAN Page, but really don't know much about it.
One Page Summaryleaflet(data) | leafletProxy() %>% setView(lat, lon, zoom) # Initial View OR fitBounds(lat_se, lon_se, latnw, lon_nw) # Initial Bounds setMaxBounds(lat_se, lon_se, latnw, lon_nw) # Max Bounds addTiles() | addProviderTiles() | addWMSTiles() #Tiles addMarkers() | addCircleMarkers() | addAwesomeMarkers() | addLabelOnlyMarkers() # Markers addPolylines() | addCircles() | addRectangles() | addPolygons() # Shapes addRasterImage(image) # Raster Data addLegend() | addLayersControl() | addControl() # Controls
A Map is built by piping (%>%
) several add* methods.
methods take an optional options
argument for customization.
Base Mapsleaflet() %>% setView(lat = 50.85045, lng = 4.34878, zoom=13) %>% addTiles(group="OSM") %>% addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.DarkMatter, group="Dark") %>% addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron, group="Light") %>% addLayersControl(baseGroups=c('OSM', 'Dark','Light'))
Base Mapsleaflet
Markersleaflet(data) %>% addMarkers( lat = ~latitude, lon = ~longitude, options = markerOptions(), label=~label, labelOptions = labelOptions(), popup=~popup, popupOptions = popupOptions(), clusterOptions = clusterOptions(), group = 'Group-A') # Similarly addCircleMarkers() # Fixed scale Circles addAwesomeMarkers() # More choices for icons addLabelOnlyMarkers() # No icon
Markersquakes.df <- quakes %>% dplyr::mutate( mag.level = cut(mag,c(3.5,4.5,5.5,6.5), labels = c('> 3.5 & <=4.5', '>4.5 & <=5.5', '>5.5 & <=6.5'))) %>% split(.$mag.level)l <- leaflet() %>% addProviderTiles(providers$Esri.OceanBasemap)names(quakes.df) %>% purrr::walk( function(df) { l <<- l %>% addMarkers(data=quakes.df[[df]], lng=~long, lat=~lat, label=~as.character(mag), popup=~as.character(mag), group = df, clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions()) })l <- l %>% addLayersControl( overlayGroups = names(quakes.df), options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)) %>% addMiniMap(tiles = providers$Esri.OceanBasemap, width = 120, height=80)
Shapesleaflet(data) %>% addPolygons( label=~label, labelOptions = labelOptions(), popup=~popup, popupOptions = popupOptions(), # Shape Options options = pathOptions(), weight = 1, opacity=0.8, color = "#000000", fillColor="#ff0000", fillOpacity=0.7, # Highlighting on mouse-over highlightOptions = highlightOptions( color='#00ff00', weight = 2, opacity = 1, fillOpacity = 1, bringToFront = TRUE, sendToBack = TRUE), group = 'Group-A') #Similarly addCircles() addPolylines() addRectangles()
# spdf is a sp::SpatialPolygonsDataFrameqpal <- colorQuantile(rev(viridis::viridis(5)), spdf$POPDENSITY, n=5)l <- leaflet(spdf, options = leafletOptions(attributionControl = FALSE, minzoom=1.5)) %>% addPolygons( label=~stringr::str_c( NAME, ' ', formatC(POPDENSITY, big.mark = ',', format='d')), labelOptions= labelOptions(direction = 'auto'), weight=1,color='#333333', opacity=1, fillColor = ~qpal(POPDENSITY), fillOpacity = 1, highlightOptions = highlightOptions( color='#000000', weight = 2, bringToFront = TRUE, sendToBack = TRUE) ) %>% addLegend( "topright", pal = qpal, values = ~POPDENSITY, title = htmltools::HTML("Population Density<br/>(2005)"), opacity = 1 )
with impunity!leaflet
Other Misc. StuffaddRasterImage
for adding raster image data. Example.
for a small map inside the main map at a zoom offset. Example.
to measure distances/area. Example.
adds a graticule. Example.
for customized buttons Example.
for custom Control element.
to display a scale.
Projections SupportALL MAPS OF EARTH ARE WRONG! Obligatory XKCD ref.
By Default leaflet ...
Which means ...
You can't use tile services which provide tiles in non-spherical-Mercator projections.
You need to convert any vector/raster data in any non-epsg:4326 to epsg:4326 before adding to the leaflet map.
+ Proj4LeafletEnter Proj4Leaflet a leaflet plugin allowing use of proj4js to display map in non-spherical-Mercator projection.
Basic use
leaflet(options = leafletOptions(crs = leafletCRS()))
So now you can display data/tiles in a non-spherical-Mercator projection.
But you still need to specify vector/raster data in EPSG:4326 (lat/lon) which will get internally converted to the custom projection specified.
Another caveat: You can have only one projection at a time which is set during initialization. To change projection you need to destroy and rebuild the map.
Projections Example <- leafletCRS( crsClass="L.Proj.CRS", code='ESRI:53009', proj4def= '+proj=moll +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371000 +b=6371000 +units=m +no_defs', resolutions = c(65536, 32768, 16384, 8192, 4096, 2048))l <- leaflet( spdf, options = leafletOptions( maxZoom = 5, crs= crs.molvidde, attributionControl = FALSE)) %>% addGraticule(style= list(color= '#999', weight= 0.5, opacity= 1)) %>% addGraticule(sphere = TRUE, style= list(color= '#777', weight= 1, opacity= 0.25)) %>% addPolygons( label=~stringr::str_c( NAME, ' ', formatC(POPDENSITY, big.mark = ',', format='d')), labelOptions= labelOptions(direction = 'auto'), weight=1,color='#ffffff', opacity=1, fillColor = ~qpal(POPDENSITY), fillOpacity = 1, highlightOptions = highlightOptions( color='#000000', weight = 2, bringToFront = TRUE, sendToBack = TRUE))
spdf <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(albersusa::usa_composite())pal <- colorNumeric(palette = "Blues", domain = spdf@data$pop_2014)crs.laea <- leafletCRS( crsClass="L.Proj.CRS", code='EPSG:2163', proj4def='+proj=laea +lat_0=45 +lon_0=-100 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6370997 +b=6370997 +units=m +no_defs', resolutions = c(65536, 32768, 16384, 8192, 4096, 2048,1024, 512, 256, 128))l <- leaflet( options= leafletOptions( worldCopyJump = FALSE, crs=crs.laea, attributionControl = FALSE)) %>% addPolygons( data=spdf, label=~stringr::str_c( name, ' ', formatC(pop_2014, big.mark = ',', format='d')), labelOptions= labelOptions(direction = 'auto'), weight = 1, color = "#000000", fillColor=~pal(pop_2014), fillOpacity=0.7, highlightOptions = highlightOptions( color='#ff0000', opacity = 1, weight = 2, fillOpacity = 1, bringToFront = TRUE, sendToBack = TRUE))
+ tilegramsR
l <- leaflet( options=leafletOptions( crs = leafletCRS("L.CRS.Simple"), minZoom = -2, maxZoom = -2, dragging = FALSE, zoomControl = FALSE, attributionControl = FALSE)) %>% addPolygons( data=FiveThirtyEightElectoralCollege, weight=1,color='#000000', fillOpacity = 0.5, opacity=0.2, fillColor= ~factpal(state)) %>% addPolygons( data=FiveThirtyEightElectoralCollege.states, group = 'states', weight=2,color='#000000', fill = T, opacity = 1, fillOpacity = 0, highlightOptions = highlightOptions(weight = 4)) %>% addLabelOnlyMarkers( data=FiveThirtyEightElectoralCollege.centers, label = ~as.character(state), labelOptions = labelOptions( noHide = 'T', textOnly = T, offset=c(-8,-20), textsize = '12px'))
Add-on packages for leaflet
. Developed by yours truly to integrate the plethora of leaflet plugins available.
Published to CRAN just before UserR! 2017.
Actively being developed and maintained. Contributions welcome.
package will be stable and leaflet.extras
will be very dynamic.
Add/Modify/delete/style markers/shapes using Leaflet.Draw.
Add GeoJSON, TopoJSON, KML, GPX, CSV files directly.
Create Heatmap from point data.
Search Markers. Geo-locate using OSM Nominatum API.
Tiles Caching, GPS, and many more!
library(leaflet.extras)fName <- system.file('extdata','crimes_by_district.topojson', package='user2017.geodataviz')l <- leaflet() %>% addBootstrapDependency() %>% setView(-75.14, 40, zoom = 11) %>% addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>% addGeoJSONChoropleth( readr::read_file(fName), valueProperty ='incidents', scale = 'OrRd', mode='q', steps = 5, padding = c(0.2,0), popupProperty = propstoHTMLTable( props = c('dist_numc', 'location', 'incidents', '_feature_id_string'), table.attrs = list(class='table table-striped table-bordered'), = T), labelProperty = JS('function(feature){return "WARD: " +;}'), color='#ffffff', weight=1, fillOpacity = 0.7, highlightOptions = highlightOptions( fillOpacity=1, weight=2, opacity=1, color='#000000', bringToFront=TRUE, sendToBack = TRUE), legendOptions = legendOptions(title='Crimes', position='topright'))
Inter-widget communicationPure JavaScript solution works anywhere a normal htmlwidget
will work.1
Works on the concept of shared data between widgets.
library(crosstalk)library(leaflet)library(DT)# Wrap data frame in SharedDatasd <- SharedData$new(quakes[sample(nrow(quakes), 100),])# Create a filter inputfilter_slider("mag", "Magnitude", sd, column=~mag, step=0.1, width=250)# Use SharedData like a dataframe with Crosstalk-enabled widgetsbscols( leaflet(sd) %>% addTiles() %>% addMarkers(), datatable(sd, extensions="Scroller", style="bootstrap", class="compact", width="100%", options=list(deferRender=TRUE, scrollY=300, scroller=TRUE)))
1: Documentation:
Shiny allows you to build visualizations dynamically, be they static or interactive.
You need a Shiny server to run Shiny apps. Free/Commercial versions available from RStudio.
Static visualizations need to destroyed and rebuilt every time the input data for the viz changes.
Interactive visualizations (i.e. htmlwidgets
) however can support manipulating existing viz in response to shiny
, leaflet
etc. support changing an existing map.
package allows building htmlwidgets
which can respond to input events.
+ shiny
Use leafletProxy()
to update already existing map.
Use clear*
methods to remove stuff already on a map.
leaflet package traps many leaflet events and makes then available as shiny events.
Use observeEvent(input$<MAP_ID>_<EVENT_NAME>)
to act on these events.
+ shiny
library(shiny); library(leaflet)r_colors <- rgb(t(col2rgb(colors()) / 255))names(r_colors) <- colors()ui <- fluidPage( leafletOutput("mymap"), p(), actionButton("recalc", "New points"))server <- function(input, output, session) { points <- eventReactive(input$recalc, { cbind(rnorm(40) * 2 + 13, rnorm(40) + 48) }, ignoreNULL = FALSE) output$mymap <- renderLeaflet({ leaflet() %>% addProviderTiles(providers$Stamen.TonerLite, options = providerTileOptions(noWrap = TRUE)) %>% addMarkers(data = points()) })}shinyApp(ui, server)
Thus marks the end of 'Geospatial visualization in R' tutorial by Bhaskar V. Karambelkar, the first of his name!
Wait there's more.
So many people to thank....
author and my virtual GIS guru.mapedit
and many more widgets author and collaborator for leaflet
and leaflet.extras
, and super helpful guy.sf
and many many R GIS pacakges.ggiraph
for simple effectsgeom_*_interactive
with hover, tooltip, onClick aesthetics, plot with ggiraph
.library(ggplot2); suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(ggiraph))africa.spdf <- methods::as(africa, 'Spatial')africa.spdf@data$id <- row.names(africa.spdf@data)africa.tidy <- broom::tidy(africa.spdf)africa.tidy <- dplyr::left_join(africa.tidy, africa.spdf@data, by='id')g <- ggplot(africa.tidy) + geom_polygon_interactive( color='black', aes(long, lat, group=group, fill=internet.usage.2015, tooltip=sprintf("%s<br/>%s",iso_a3,internet.usage.2015))) + ggthemes::theme_map() + colormap::scale_fill_colormap( colormap=colormap::colormaps$copper, reverse = T) + labs(title='Internet Usage in Africa in 2015', subtitle='As Percent of Population', caption='Source: World Bank Open Data.')ggiraph(code=print(g))
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