class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Geospatial Visualization using R ## Part 4: Spatial Data Operations ### Bhaskar V. Karambelkar ### 2017/07/04 --- # Selectiing features/fields `sp` objects ```r dim(meuse@data) ``` ``` ## [1] 155 12 ``` ```r colnames(meuse@data) ``` ``` ## [1] "cadmium" "copper" "lead" "zinc" "elev" "dist" "om" ## [8] "ffreq" "soil" "lime" "landuse" "dist.m" ``` ```r print(meuse[9:10, c('lead','zinc')]) ``` ``` ## coordinates lead zinc ## 9 (181060, 333231) 133 347 ## 10 (181232, 333168) 80 183 ``` ```r nrow(meuse[meuse$lead>quantile(meuse$lead,.75),]) ``` ``` ## [1] 38 ``` --- # Other Operations on `sp` objects - `[[`: Data for single column `plot(hist(meuse[['zinc']]))` - `[[<-`: Replace values of single column <br/> `meuse[['lead']] <- rnorm(nrow(meuse))` - `proj4String` / `proj4String<-`: Returns / sets (w/o transforming) the CRS. - `spTransform(meuse, CRS("+init=epsg:4326"))`: Convert from one CRS to another. - `geometry(meuse)`: Strip the fields and return the bare geometry. - `over(points, polygons, returnList=TRUE)`:<br/> Returns a list indicating which polygons contain each point in `points` data-set. - `rgeos` / `gdistance` / `geosphere` / `maptools`:<br/>Packages contain many geometry and feature related operations. --- # Example ```r par(mar=c(0,0,0,0)) plot(scot_BNG, col='#aaaaaa', border=0) *plot(rgeos::gCentroid(scot_BNG, byid=TRUE), add=TRUE, pch=20) ``` <img src="04-Spatial_Data_Operations_files/figure-html/04-03-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Operations on `sf` Objects - `sp` => `sf` ```r suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(sf)) *meuse_sf <- st_as_sf(meuse)[1:2,c('lead', 'zinc', 'geometry')]) ``` ``` ## lead zinc geometry ## 1 299 1022 POINT(181072 333611) ## 2 277 1141 POINT(181025 333558) ``` - `st_coordinates(sf)`: Extract the X/Y coordinates. - `st_geometry(sf)`: Just the geometry, the `sfc` column. - `st_as_text(sfg)` / `st_as_binary(sfg)` convert to WKT and WKB resp. - `st_as_sfc()` for converting a foreign object into a `sfc`. - Check out `methods(class='sfc')` for many more methods.<sup>1</sup> .footnote[1 - Best place to start are the `sf` vignettes [here]( & [here](] --- # Example ```r *usa_sfg <- st_transform(st_geometry(albersusa::usa_sf()), albersusa::us_aeqd_proj) *usa_c <- st_centroid(usa_sfg) *usa_50 <- (usa_sfg - usa_c) * .50 + usa_c par(mar=c(0,0,0,0));plot(usa_sfg) plot(usa_50, add=TRUE, col='#FFA50077', border=0) plot(usa_c, add=TRUE, pch=20) ``` <img src="04-Spatial_Data_Operations_files/figure-html/04-05-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Operations on `raster` Objects ```r suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(raster)) r <- raster(system.file("external/test.grd", package="raster")) inMemory(r) ``` ``` ## [1] FALSE ``` ```r nlayers(r) ``` ``` ## [1] 1 ``` ```r dim(r) ``` ``` ## [1] 115 80 1 ``` ```r cellStats(r, function(x, ...) c(min=min(x,...), mean=mean(x,...), max=max(x,...))) ``` ``` ## min mean max ## 128.4340 423.1647 1805.7800 ``` --- # Operations on `raster` Objects ```r * r_log <- calc(r, log) par(mar=c(5,5,5,5), mfrow=c(1,2)) hist(r); hist(r_log) ``` <img src="04-Spatial_Data_Operations_files/figure-html/04-07-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Operations via External Tools - `RQGIS`: Uses QGIS Python API and allows you to access many native and 3<sup>rd</sup>-party plugin based geospatial algorithms/analysis. - `RQGIS` also allows you to access `GRASS7` and `SAGA`, but you also have option of using `rgrass7` and `RSAGA`. - `rpostgis` & `postGIStools` allow you to access data in PostGIS, but so does the PostGIS driver in `gdal` so you can query directly from `rgdal` and `sf` too. --- class: inverse middle # Part 4: The End! Continue to [Part 5: Ways to Output Maps](05-Ways_to_Output_Maps.html) .footnote[Restart [Part 4: Spatial Data Operations](04-Spatial_Data_Operations.html)]