class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Geospatial Visualization using R ## Part 1: Introduction ### Bhaskar V. Karambelkar ### 2017/07/04 --- # Part 1: Welcome! / Bienvenue! / Welgekomen! - What's this all about? - The Tutor/Presenter - The Audience - Scope of the Tutorial - Setup - On to Part 2 --- # The Tutor/Presenter - Day job is not GIS related, but it's a hobby that I take very seriously. - Works in Information Security. Don't you ever "CYBER" me! - Loves maps and loves R. - Had a boss who loves maps and R even more. Bob Rudis! - Contributor to the 'leaflet' package, and author of `leaflet.extras`/`leaflet.esri`/`tilegramsR`/`widgetframe` packages. - Now your turn! --- # Obligatory Hello World! Get it? ```r maps::map('world', fill=TRUE, col='#ffA50077', border='black', bg='#00000011') ``` <img src="01-Introduction_files/figure-html/01-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Tutorial Scope - Part 1: Welcome! .gray[[9:30 - 9:50]] - Part 2: R Packages .gray[[9:50 - 10:05]] - Part 3: Spatial Data .gray[[10:05 - 10:20]] - Part 4: Spatial Data Operations .gray[[10:25 - 11:40]] - Part 5: Ways to Output Maps .gray[[10:40 - 11:00]] - Part 6: Static Maps .gray[[11:30 - 12:05]] - Part 7: Interactive Maps .gray[[12:10 - 12:50]] - Part 8: Q/A .gray[[12:50 - 1:00]] --- # Getting Setup - [Docker]( FTW! - [Rocker]( FTW! - `docker pull bhaskarvk/rgeodataviz` - `docker run -d -p 8787:8787 --name rgeodataviz \` <br/>`bhaskarvk/rgeodataviz` - Go to http://localhost:8787. You should see RStudio. Login rstudio/rstudio. - You should see `user2017.geodataviz` in the folders view, click on it and then on the `user2017.geodataviz.Rproj` file. 'Yes' on the confirmation box. - If docker is not an option, see [this]( gist for details of all the packages needed. --- class: inverse middle # Part 1: The End! Continue to [Part 2: R Packages](02-R_Packages.html) .footnote[Restart [Part1](01-Introduction.html)]